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                                  As a product of Charleston County School District 23, Darlene has seen                                            firsthand its benefits and shortcomings. Prior to the pandemic, many of the schools located within District 8 were failing, and there are great inequities in resources based on one’s zip code. Darlene believes every child deserves access to a high-quality public education, so she will always advocate for students and educators. As your School Board Member, she’ll work to continue the increase in teacher pay, reduce class sizes, ensure safety, increase Career and Technical Education programs, increase grade level reading and the graduation rate.
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Raising Teacher Pay/Reducing Class Sizes

Darlene believes every child deserves access to a high-quality public education, so she will always advocate for students, parents, and educators. There are great inequities in resources based on one’s zip code.  As your District 8 School Board member, she’ll work to continue the increase in teacher pay, professional development, provide mentors for new teachers and reduce class sizes.  She’ll continue working to ensure schools in District 8 receive the proper allocations for capital improvements and ensure the hiring of highly qualified teachers for District 8 who are vested in their school and community. She will also keep working to further strengthen parent and community engagement with meaningful programs and events.

Improving Grade Level Reading Abilities & Increasing the Graduation Rate

An important

predictor of school

success and high

school graduation is

grade level reading

by the end of third

grade. More than

80% of low-income

children are not

reading proficiently

at the end of third

grade.  We must focus on community solutions, quality teaching, and strong systems of early education.

Quality teaching for every child in every setting, every day—including in the home, preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school.

Community-driven efforts to address major barriers to third grade reading proficiency—school readiness, chronic absence, and summer learning loss.

A seamless system of accountability focused on care, services, and family supports for children, from birth through third grade and evidenced by outcomes .

Increasing Career & Technology Education (CTE) Programs

CTE provides students the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training to be prepared for both college and careers.  We must increase credential attainment in District 8 and prepare students for high-wage employment in our growing Charleston industry. We must connect District 8 students with the world of work through meaningful employer mentorships and work-based learning opportunities.

Promote Personal Finance/Financial Literacy Programs

We agree that financial literacy is a necessity for high graduates' success regardless of post-secondary plans in order to become positive contributors to society and our economy. We find this necessary in order to break the cycle of generational poverty and are in full support of the forthcoming changes to require the personal finance course as a requirement for graduation. 

Ensure School Safety

Learning cannot take place if students do not feel safe. 


The Problem · The Destination · The Strategy · The Use of Data · The Success and Sustainability

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